AI generated title texts and meta descriptions

At Rankster we have developed a backlink builder using artificial intelligence (AI) to identify the most desirable backlinks to chase. Our backlink builder tool uses science to answer some of the most important questions about backlinks that SEO agencies have ponded for years. Importantly, the answers to the questions vary between sites and industries. After all, you only need to outrank your competitors.

Rankster’s AI algorithm has discovered that optimising title texts and meta descriptions are one of the most important aspects of SEO rankings. The evidence suggests that organic click-through rates (how often your listing is clicked on vs how many impressions) go a long way to determine your search engine position. If you have a high organic click-through rate, you not only benefit from more clicks per impression, Google rewards you for this and ranks you higher, which leads to more impressions and clicks. This all happens super-fast as well. Experimentation has shown that in a matter of days (not weeks or months) you start to see results.

Our Rankster engine will...

Optimise title texts and descriptions using natural language processing (NLP) which is a form of AI designed to optimise free text. If this all sounds too complicated, don’t worry it isn’t! The Rankster algorithm will generate AI based texts and descriptions automatically for you to inspect. You don’t have to write them, and you certainly do not need to know anything about machine learning or AI.

How does the title AI title text and meta description generator work?

At Rankster we have developed a backlink builder using artificial intelligence (AI) to identify the most desirable backlinks to chase. Our backlink builder tool uses science to answer some of the most important questions about backlinks that SEO agencies have ponded for years.

Importantly, the answers to the questions vary between sites and industries. Afterall, you only need to outrank your competitors! The tool works by examining the language used by your competitors and will write its own texts and descriptions based on these examples with a view to optimising click through rates. For each keyword/landing page the AI text and description generator will examine the top 100 competitors titles and descriptions which all flow into the natural language processing (NLP) engine.

The really remarkable result is that our NLP algorithm will return title and descriptions that are so unique that the wording does not appear in any competitors’ listings, it’s actually remarkable.

What happens if I don’t put any meta description or title text?

Many webmasters neglect to add title texts or descriptions. If this happens Google will pick what they think is the most likely title/description based on the wording on your page. Typically, when they do this it leads to listings that have a lower organic click through rate. Much better than if there were no titles or descriptions shown at all. Not surprisingly by taking into account competitors listings our tool smashes Google’s automatic selection and smashes most humans output as well.

Rankster is the world's best Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for SEO